What Jen Sincero Got Wrong in Her Book “You Are a Badass”

Jen Sincero, in her book "You Are a Badass", which was a NY Times #1 bestseller, leads her readers astray in two crucial points. Why this is import...

Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan: The 3 Aspects of God in the Yoga Tradition

There are three aspects of God described in the yoga tradition: Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. (more…) "Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan: ...

10 Symptoms Of Spiritual Intelligence

You’ve heard of IQ, right? Then people started talking about Emotional Intelligence.  Now, finally, people are valuing Spiritual Intelligence. Here...

Why You Need To Be Careful To The Music You Listen To, The Books You Read, etc.

We all know that we have to be careful about what we eat, because everything that goes in our mouth will have to be processed by our body. But we t...

Dealing With a Breakup

Just got dumped? Got a broken heart? Trying to deal with a divorce? This might be a good moment to look at how you’re tackling life and review some...

How To Choose Your Mantra

We often hear about choosing a mantra. Here we’ll see how you can choose your mantra, the different kinds of mantras, and why choosing the right ma...

The Threefold Path Of Yoga

One way to look at the path of yoga is to divide it into three separate aspects, or avenues of progress. Let’s take a look at that here and how we ...

The 3 Gates to Hell of Yoga in Bhagavad-gita 16.21

Krishna explains the 3 gateways to hell in Bhagavad-gita 16.21. (more…) "The 3 Gates to Hell of Yoga in Bhagavad-gita 16.21"

Beyond Nirvana

Life is a sea of troubles and naturally the wise person seeks to end all suffering. That state of zero suffering is called nirvana in Eastern Buddh...

Detachment in the Yoga Sutras 1.15

Let’s see here how Patanjali defines detachment in the Yoga Sutras, in sutra 1.15. (more…) "Detachment in the Yoga Sutras 1.15"

Niyamas – The 5 Niyamas In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Among other things, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are famous for the yamas and niyamas, which are the very basis of the entire path of yoga. Here we’ll b...

Dharma and Karma

There are two important terms in the path of yoga: dharma and karma. Many times I’m asked: “What’s the relationship between these two terms?” Here ...

Ghost Yoga – Yoga Sutras 1.19

Yoga philosophy explains the concept of being in a ghost body and even how certain types of meditation can lead the yogi to inhabit such a body for...

How to Attain Perfection According to the Yoga Sutras 1.20

Let’s see here how Patanjali explains how to attain perfection in the Yoga Sutras, in sutra 1.20. (more…) "How to Attain Perfection Accordin...

In Yoga We’re Not Afraid of the Devil – Yoga Sutras 2.5

In Yoga, we’re not afraid of the Devil. Instead, we’re afraid of ignorance. (more…) "In Yoga We’re Not Afraid of the Devil – Yoga Sutr...

How to Market Your Book – My Experience With Penny Sansevieri and Author Marketing Experts (AME)

Getting your book published is a step-by-step process. Yes, there are pitfalls, but basically, if you have enough brains to write a book, you can d...

Know Your Faults to Live Better

If we are honest with ourselves, we can truly know ourselves and thereby recognize our weaknesses, our faults, so we can work with or even overcome...

Yamas – The 5 Yamas In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Among other things, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are famous for the yamas and nimayas, which are the very basis of the entire path of yoga. Here we’ll b...

Why Our Minds Keep Slipping to the Future – Yoga Sutras 2.7

According to yoga philosophy, one of the biggest obstacles to happiness is having your mind slipping away from the here and now, fantasizing about ...

Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work

Despite having become a huge multimillion-dollar business, the truth is that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. Not only does it not work, it actu...

How to Stop Second Guessing Every Word and Thing You Do

Aside from the pathologically confident types, we all second-guess to some degree. But you might be suffering from second guessing too much, to the...

What Are the Benefits of Meditation?

Here we’ll list some of the basic scientifically-proven benefits of meditation, as well as the traditional reasons for meditating. (more…) "...

The Two Paths Of Yoga

Though yoga seems complex and we find so many different presentations of yoga, there are actually only two distinct paths of yoga which we will out...

What is Hare Krishna?

“Hare Krishna” is the beginning of a famous mantra, a popular term for a person who practices bhakti-yoga in the Krishna devotional tradition, and ...

How Can You Advance Spiritually?

How can we guarantee steady progress in our spiritual growth? What should we do to make sure we are continuously advancing? What are the key practi...

Spiritual Progress is Never Lost – Bhagavad-gita 2.40

I explain the concept of how spiritual progress is not lost, first by reading the first Bhagavad-gita verse to describe this, which is found in Cha...

What is the Law of Karma?

Karma in Sanskrit means “action.” The law of karma is thus the law of action. Beyond the Newtonian law of action and reaction governing the physica...

Zorro Circles – Take Control of Your Life

Feeling a sense of control over your life is one our fundamental necessities. To the degree we feel we no longer have control, we give up. If there...

5 Steps For Dealing With Emotional Aggression

It’s happened to all of us. And it happens more often than we’d like. Suffering an emotional aggression isn’t easy. It hurts. So, how to deal with ...


Mindfulness is a modern term for one aspect of yoga practice. In short, it means to be aware, to be conscious of your consciousness, and to be able...

Take Control Of Your Life

If you want life to be good, you have to make it happen. Self-responsibility is the key term for a great life. You have to command your life, take ...

Don’t Live Without Purpose

Are you constantly worried about the opinion of others? Are you feeling unmotivated and unsatisfied? Are you lacking direction? These are symptoms ...

“Save As” Technique From Neuroscience to Rapidly Increase Your Wellbeing

What I call the “Save As” technique is one of the quickest and most powerful ways to hack your mind and feel better. It’s simple, scientifically-pr...

Bhagavad-gita Course Now Available

The Self-realization IN YOGA - A Complete Study of the BHAGAVAD-GITA course is now available! (more…) "Bhagavad-gita Course Now Available"

After Death – What Happens When You Die?

What will happen when you die? Is there life after death? If so, what destinations are there for those who die in a human body? In the sacred texts...

3 Steps To Find Your Vocation

Finding your vocation is crucial to attaining wellbeing. The biggest chunk of your energy and time is spent at work, and if you’re not doing what’s...


Detachment is a crucial quality in the path of yoga. But to many of us, it sounds so cold. Being detached would seem like we just don’t care. So, h...


One of the key components to a better life is meditating daily. Meditation will improve your overall wellbeing and, depending on the type of medita...

5 Steps To An Amazing Life

Here are five steps to an amazing life. At every step, your life will get noticeably better. Put together, you’ll be experiencing perfection. This ...

Learn To Love Yourself – How To Develop Self-love

Do you have a hard time starting good things in your life and sticking to them? Do you fail to take care of yourself? Do you often find yourself in...

2 Things To Know If You’ve Found The Right Person To Love

Research shows most of our happiness depends on our relationships. For most us, the most impacting relationship is that of our significant other, m...


The foremost quality of a yogi emphasized in the Bhagavad-gita is equanimity – to be equal, remaining the same, no matter what life throws at you. ...

How To Achieve Mental Clarity

Here are 4 suggestions we find in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to achieve mental clarity, that state of awakefulness and understanding sought after in y...

Switch Off Anxiety

There is one root cause to our anxiety and you can develop the power to switch it off. It takes some training, but it’s something real you can work...

Recipe For Overcoming Any Problem In Life

Life isn’t easy. Every day we have to deal with so-called problems. Let’s see here how the 3T Path gives you all the tools and knowledge you need t...

You Don’t See Life As It Is, You See It As You Are

Be aware that you are not seeing life as it is. You’re seeing it as you are, according to unconscious filters you have created, which control what ...

What the 12 Dots Teach You

This is an image going viral online. In it there are 12 dots, but we just can’t see them all at the same time. As our eyes hover here and there, di...

Use Life’s Negativity As Fuel For Growth

Life’s full of ugly surprises. Not a day goes by without something or someone giving you trouble and pain. We have to learn to use this negativity ...

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Here’s an essential advice to be happy: don’t compare yourself to others. Especially, don’t compare yourself to other people’s best version of them...

Why Are We Here?

Why are we here? Yoga is adamant in stating that ignorance leads to all other suffering. But not so much is said about how it all began. Why did I ...

Affective Forecasting: The Drug of Choice

Roughly speaking, affective forecasting is a term used in psychology to indicate the emotion experienced by the thought of a future event. It’s oft...

How To Deal With Loss

Loss brings about great suffering. But what is the basis of this suffering? What’s behind this? Is there a way to disarm this source of pain or to ...

The Positive No

Learn how to say “no”. This can change your life. We have to learn that it’s important to not accept everything others ask us to do, and to say no ...

What To Do If You Hate Your Job?

Do you hate your job? A lot of people do. So, what can you do about it? Here I’ll present a two-step approach to shedding some light on resolving t...

Learn To Flow With Life

We suffer so much because we feel that life and people need to be a certain way. We get frustrated and bewildered by not seeing things happening as...

Anger Managment

Anger is a terribly destructive mindset. When we’re angry, we literally lose our intelligence and thus, naturally, what ensues is stupidity. The go...

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Is there divine justice? Apparently not, given that over and over again we see bad things happening to good people. But is there more to be seen? I...

What to Do When Other People Behave in a Way You Don’t Like

What to do when you’re ignored or when someone hurts your feelings? How can stop being so disturbed by other people? This can be an endless source ...

Yoga Teacher Training in Belgium, with Giridhari Das!

Come to Belgium with me! I’ll be teaching every day, except Sundays, about the Bhagavad-gita and the 3T Path in a yoga teacher training course, in ...

Post-traumatic Growth

You’ve heard of post-traumatic stress disorder but probably haven’t heard about post-traumatic growth. The old adage, “what doesn’t kill you, ma...

Vigilante Anger

Are you always getting angry? If you are, do you get angry because you want to punish others for their mistakes? Are you feeling an overwhelming se...

You’re Probably Working Too Much

Because we’re so mistakenly interested in money, fame and status, people all over the world are working too much. Work is great, and certainly dese...


How do you know you know? A classic question. And more important than most of realize. Here we’ll see how Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Indic tra...

Technique For Lowering Anxiety – Write It Down

Though anxiety predominates our modern life, you don’t have to live with it. Here’s an immediate, scientifically-proven technique for lowering your...

Dragon to Angel – Your Two Mental Extremes

Research shows your mind ranges from two mental extremes, which give you a radically different experience in terms of well-being and behavior. Here...

Should You Quit Your Job?

Tired of your job? Is going to work just a burden for you? Do you get depressed Sunday nights, thinking about the upcoming week of work? Are you as...

3T Path Retreat in the Bahamas Coming Up!

I'm excited about my upcoming retreat in the Bahamas, from the 15-18th of July! (more…) "3T Path Retreat in the Bahamas Coming Up!"

Retreat in the Bahamas!

Come join me in the Bahamas from the 15-18th of July for a beautiful Yoga Retreat in the Sivananda Ashram! I'll be speaking about The 3T Path - ...


We all have a bad habit: we compare ourselves with others. Here we will see what happens when we do this, why nowadays it’s worse than ever to do t...

What is The Real Dream Life?

Want to live a dream life? What will that take? Amazingly, we seldom stop to think about it and end up chasing the wrong dreams. The first thing...

How To Deal With Our Negative Emotions

Life is no walk in the park. And what bothers us the most is experiencing negative emotions, such as sadness, shame and frustration. It hurts, does...

Is the Gita a Later Insertion to the Mahabharata? Debunking the Myth

Renowned Sanskrit scholar Howard J. Resnick, PhD, from Harvard University, offers a compelling rebuttal to the argument that the Bhagavad Gita is a...

Three Levels of Reality

The shift beyond samsara requires you to understand the different levels of reality you can access: dreams, the material world, and the transcenden...

The 2 Things That Really Matter in Life

There are two things that really matter in life, which deserve your focus, because they’ll bring you the best of what life has to offer. I’m talkin...

Are You Messed Up?

Are you messed up? Caught in an endless loop of lamentation? Depressed, angry, frustrated, sad… and you just can’t break away from it? Here’s the o...

Why Being True to Yourself Feels So Good

Have you noticed a marked difference between doing something because you want and feeling like you’re being forced to do it? It’s not just your ima...

If You’re Too Hard On Yourself, You’ll Fail

Strange as it may seem, being too hard on yourself has been scientifically proven to be counterproductive. Understand here why this happens and how...

How to Implement Change In Your Life

Perhaps one of the biggest barriers to self-improvement and self-realization is having the ability to implement change in our lives, or to create n...

Beyond Victimhood – Taking Control

Understand that you’re in control and that feeling like a victim will disempower you. Your entire well-being rests exclusively on you. It’s all in ...

Willpower or “Wantpower”?

Research shows that we have a very limited reserve of willpower. So, how can we affect change in our lives and better ourselves? The solution lies ...

Creating Your Inner Space and Refuge

Just as our bodies need shelter to stay healthy, so too our inner selves need a refuge for restoration and growth.  We need to create an inner spac...

@3tpath on Instagram

Some years back I was inspired by the challenge of writing inspirational quotes on self-improvement and self-realization on the 3T Path – the chall...

60-Second Technique That Will Change Your Life

Here’s a scientifically-proven technique, that requires no more than 60 seconds of your time a day, that will change your life: the gratitude diary...

Getting Your Book Published – How I Did It

Getting your book published looks easy, but it's really not. I want to share here some tips on how I did it. First step: editing Editing is e...

Adjust Your Mental Map for a Better Life

We often think reality just is exactly like we think it is. But it’s not. In fact, at any given time, you’re just operating on an interpretation of...

Live the Life of Who You Really Are

Is your self-image limiting you? You have a self-image, we all do, but have you stopped to analyze it? Have you given serious thought to who and wh...

The 3 Things It Takes To Be Good In Yoga

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras we find an interesting definition of 3 things we need to be successful in yoga. Let’s take a look at that here. (more&he...


Bigotry is one of humanity’s greatest evils, and sadly it’s alive and well. Bigotry is the idiotic concept that an entire class of people can be ju...

How 60 Seconds a Day Can Change Your Life

Probably the simplest scientifically proven life hack is keeping a gratitude journal. Just write down, every day, three things you’re grateful for ...

Why Does No One Care About the Source of All Suffering?

In the traditional path of yoga, and in any path of self-realization in general, the first topic is how to end your suffering. But why is that that...

What to Do When Someone Hurts You

The inevitable adversities of life often come in the form of someone else’s action. From accidently stepping on your toes to outright brutal physic...

Reason or Feeling – What Can You Count On?

It's become popular to speak about listening to your heart and being true to your feelings. But what about reason? What are the dangers of listenin...

Protect Your Peace of Mind

Don’t let people or things disturb you. Some people go through their whole lives without being aware that we have the power to regulate whether oth...