If you want life to be good, you have to make it happen. Self-responsibility is the key term for a great life. You have to command your life, take control of your life. Here I’ll talk about this and how why it’s so important.

The first step to having a better life is self-observation. First, you have to learn to look inside, to observe your thoughts, desires, and feelings. You should become the witness of your mind.

Once you’re aware of yourself, then comes the second essential step: self-responsibility. Now you have to take control of your life. You must understand that you have the potential to completely determine your degree of happiness, satisfaction, peace, enthusiasm and so forth. You and only you.

I teach this mantra to help you take control of your life:

“I have created the life I live”

Repeated it over and over again. Repeat it until you stop blaming anyone or anything else for your unhappiness. Repeat it until you understand that your life is your creation. You built it, you got here by your choices. You created your life as it is now, which means you can now define what kind of life you want.

Better yet, you have the power to immediately change your well-being.

In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna says, “the yogi depends on no-one”. You don’t depend on anyone or anything. You only depend on your own ability to live better. An ability which you can develop more and more.

In the book, “The 3T Path” (https://3tpath.com/books/) you’ll that there is a wide range of techniques and facts you need to make this happen. These are techniques that have been successfully employed by yogis for thousands of years, and which science is confirming and explaining. It’s not a wave-of-the-wand empty promise. These are real steps you can take, from multiple angles, to take control of your mind and thus your life experience. From diet to meditation, from philosophy to devotion.

Somebody could ask, “Doesn’t God help me? Isn’t my life also the work of God? What about my parents and friends? Haven’t they help my life be what it is today?” The answer is YES. But, never underestimate your role in your good fortune. If you have friends and family to help you out, it’s because you’ve done something right to earn them. You’ve done something right to keep them dear to you and you dear to them. As for God, Krishna says plainly in the Gita: “I’m equal to all”. God is equal to all, of course. But, He says, if you ask for His help, He’ll help you. So, even when it comes to getting more divine mercy, it’s still up to you to make it happen. You have to ask for it.

Being grateful is one of the many things you can practice, as part of your effort to take control of your life, to have a better life. So, it still boils down to you having to take command of your mind to be happy.

So, take control of your life. Learn to live better. Understand that you have this power. You have the means to define the quality of your life. All you need is the know-how and then the grit to make it happen.

Watch my video on this topic here.

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Look what they’re saying about The 3T Path book: “A spectacular book. I’m experiencing great transformations in my life!” – Elton Orvate

Understand that you’re in control and that feeling like a victim will disempower you. Your entire well-being rests exclusively on you. It’s all in your hands. We have to go beyond victimhood and take control of our life situation to achieve well-being. Going beyond victimhood is one of the key concepts of the 3T Path.

You have the power to be happy or to be miserable. You depend on no one else and nothing else. When you become more advanced, you will appreciate how God is always helping you and that everything and everyone ultimately depends on Him. But aside from this mystical and sweet fact of life, it’s crucial to understand and to live by the concept that you’re in power.

On a practical level, sure, use the word victim. If somebody mugs you and you go to the police, they will identify you as the victim of the crime. If a hurricane destroys your house, you call your insurance company and identify yourself as a victim of a natural disaster. We have to take practical measures. That’s part of our dharma.

But that’s as far as it goes. You have to go beyond victimhood. A victim is powerless. The term victimhood is used to describe a person who absorbs this feeling of being a victim, and thus declares themself powerless and helpless. Victims feel depressed and sad. Some take the feeling so deeply that they lose the will to live. Feeling like a victim will never help you. It’s just a path to inaction and unhappiness. As Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, “A yogi never laments.”

Instead, you should understand that whatever has happened to you is life. It’s reality calling. Just deal with it as the new flux life is bringing you. See it all as part of your experience in growth and strength. Perhaps it brings a new set of challenges, new shifts in your dharma. But the focus is exactly the same: you being here and now, focused on your dharma, recognizing your emotions and letting them go. No matter what has happened to you, the joys of life are still all around you. Life is still a miracle, and your experience of it can still be divine.

Focus on what you’re doing. That’s what you have control over. It’s what is really important, what will determine if you’re happy or not. It’s never about what happens to you; it’s about how you respond to it, how you deal with it. Bring the attention to yourself, for it is only yourself that you have power to control, only yourself that you have to improve.

If you accept that everything that happens to you is 100 percent your responsibility, then you have 100 percent power to change how it affects you. And the inverse is also true. If you feel you have no responsibility, then you have no power. Be a yogi or be a victim – that’s your choice.

Of course, we should feel sympathy – or even better, empathy – with those who suffer tragedy. Feel their pain and see how you can help. That’s part of the universal dharma. But for yourself, you must not lament. You should give time for your wounds to heal, recognize whatever loss you experienced, respect that . . . and then let it go and move on.

If you feel your mind dragging you toward the past in lamentation, feeling sorry for yourself for something that’s happened, stop and bring it back to the here and now. Breathe deep, focus your mind on a sensation you’re experiencing now or on doing your dharma. Absorb yourself again in life, in reality, in what is happening right now, and experience the joy and divine beauty of it.

Check out my video on this important topic here.

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Feeling a sense of control over your life is one our fundamental necessities. To the degree we feel we no longer have control, we give up. If there’s an area in your life where you feel things are just sliding away, getting worse or just hopeless, then you can revert that situation with the technique known as the Zorro Circle.

When we don’t feel we’re in control, we find no means to motivate ourselves, because, consciously or unconsciously we think, “what’s the point?” So, the trick is to get that feeling of control again.

This can be applied to the simplest things, such as keeping your house, room or office tidy to your effectiveness and output at work. This technique is time-tested and scientifically proven to work.

Check out my video to learn about this technique and to see why it’s called the Zorro Circle.

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