In Yoga, we’re not afraid of the Devil. Instead, we’re afraid of ignorance.
Category: Teachings
According to yoga philosophy, one of the biggest obstacles to happiness is having your mind slipping away from the here and now, fantasizing about something in the future. Here we’ll read text 2.7 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, where he directly explains why this happens.
Yoga philosophy explains the concept of being in a ghost body and even how certain types of meditation can lead the yogi to inhabit such a body for a vast period of time. Here we’ll examine Sutra 1.19 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras where this meditation is described.
There are three aspects of God described in the yoga tradition: Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan.
Those who accept the existence of God fall into two categories: those who believe that God’s ultimate aspect is personal and those who believe it is impersonal, or to use the language of the yoga tradition, those who think God is only Brahman and those who have communion with God as Bhagavan: impersonalism and personalism. Throughout history the personalists have far outnumbered the impersonalists, be it in the Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, or yoga tradition.